Ascent Global Logistics hires it’s first UX/UI Designer
I was hired in the first quarter of 2016 to lead the design of a new product Ascent was developing and to lead efforts to update the redesign of additional legacy products. This work included creating a design style guide and hold user research sessions.
Taking Initiative
In 2018, Ascent announced a very large project of developing an enterprise platform. The company currently had two UI/UX designers who were working on separate projects. I recognized the need for additional design resources and adding some more cohesion between designers. I spoke to the IT director about creating the team to be collaborative rather than segmented and adding new resources. He asked if I would write a proposal so that he could propose the concepts to the CIO.
Team Leader
I was successfully able to justify creating a unified UX/UI team. I was given the promotion to Team Lead and hire an additional UI designer. I also integrated an external design resource to supplement the projects. During this time I was able to have the tea create a style guide, design QA Process, project management tool, and design tool unification.
In 2020 I was able to grow the team to 4 Product Designers, begin the design and development of a Design System, develop and document a DesignOps standard operating procedure, and continued to work on the relationship with the product development teams. I was also working closely with the product teams on product strategy and the release process.
Design Systems and UI Developers
The Product Design Team was able to hire a UI Engineer (Front-end Developer) to co-develop the new Design System for Ascent. This enabled us to integrate development within the team and enhance our influence on the user interface strategy for all of Ascent’s Products. I was promoted to Manager of Product Strategy and Design reporting directly to the CIO.
Bringing Research Into the Team
This year has been an exciting year for our team. I have been able to be an active part of product leadership for Ascent. Brining all user and customer digital experiences into the purview of my team. The design of marketing websites, all digital products, internal systems, and IT support are all now the responsibility of Product Design at Ascent. We were able to hire a UX Research Intern this year that has helped us expand our ability to usability test and user research enhancing our ability to advocate for and put data behind the design decisions we make on behalf of users.